The Pros and Cons: Debunking the Myth Behind Long Term Care Insurance as a Waste of Money

Are you one of those people who believe that long term care insurance is just a drain on your hard-earned money? Well, it’s time to debunk the myths and get ready to change your perception! Long term care insurance plays a crucial role in securing your future and providing peace of mind when it matters most.
In this enlightening blog post, we’ll unravel the misconceptions surrounding this essential coverage, shedding light on why investing in long term care insurance is far from being a waste – it’s an investment in your well-being and financial stability. Get ready to have your doubts shattered as we dive into the facts behind this misunderstood form of protection!
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What is Long Term Care Insurance?
Long Term Care Insurance can be a valuable tool for protecting yourself and your loved ones in the event you need long-term care. Here are five facts to help dispel some common myths about this type of insurance.
- Long Term Care Insurance is not just for the elderly: Anyone who needs long-term care, whether they are young or old, can benefit from it.
- Long Term Care Insurance is not all coverage is the same: There are several types of coverage available, each with its own benefits and costs. Make sure you are aware of what is available to you before making a decision.
- Long Term Care Insurance does not mean you have to move into a retirement home: Though many people believe this to be the case, long term care insurance can provide significant coverage even if you do not live in a retirement community. Plans may include home health care as well as full time care at a facility like a nursing home.
- Long Term Care Insurance does not mean you have to give up your life savings: Policies typically have exclusions for major medical expenses, so you will still be able to afford your regular bills even if you purchase long term care insurance.
- Long Term Care Insurance does not mean you will never need care: Even if health conditions or age lead to needing long-term care, it is possible that you will only need short-term or intermittent care in order to remain healthy and functional throughout your life . A policy can help provide peace of mind in knowing that you and your loved ones are protected in the event of a need for such care.

Types of Care
There are a number of myths out there about long term care insurance. Let’s take a look at three of the most common ones and set the record straight.
- Long term care insurance is a waste of money.
This myth is based on the false assumption that you will never need long term care, or that if you do need it, care will be so expensive that it would be cheaper to just not buy the insurance at all. In fact, according to data from The Trust for American Families, nearly one in five adults over 65 will require some form of long-term care sometime in their lives.
And even if you don’t need help now, your life could change later on and you may find yourself needing long-term care. So whether you’re planning to use long term care or have to use it someday, it’s important to have coverage.
- Long term care insurance is only for people who are very old or very frail.
Again, this myth is based on the false assumption that you will never need long term care and that only very elderly or very frail people will ever require any form of care. But this simply isn’t true. In fact, according to The Trust for American Families, almost one in five elderly adults (aged 55 or older) will require some type of long-term care sometime in their lives.
And even more surprisingly, almost one third of younger than age 65 adults will also require some type of long -term care at some point in their lives.
- Long term care insurance is only for people who can’t get help from family or friends.
This myth suggests that you have to be completely helpless and alone to need long term care. But this, too, is not true. According to The Trust for American Families, more than one third of elderly adults who require long-term care are also able to provide some level of personal care for themselves (although they may need help with tasks like bathing, toileting and dressing).
So even if you can’t live on your own anymore, you don’t have to be completely alone to need long term care.
Coverage for Different Needs
Essentially, long-term care insurance is designed for people who may need care in the very near future, but who might not be able to afford to pay for it if something were to happen before then. Some common myths about LTC insurance include the claim that it’s a waste of money, that you can’t term life insurance policy towards covering long-term care needs, and that there are no benefits to be had.
The truth is that there are many benefits to consider when purchasing long-term care insurance. One benefit is that it can help cover costs should you need care in the future. If you have long-term care insurance and experience a health issue or accident that forces you into a nursing home or other type of assisted living facility, your policy will help pay for your day-to-day expenses while you’re there.
Additionally, if you need assistance with day-to-day activities but don’t qualify for full long-term care coverage, having LTC insurance can provide financial protection in case you suffer an injury or sickness that requires significant medical attention outside of regular doctor visits and hospital stays.
There are also a number of reasons why purchasing long-term care insurance could be a valuable decision. For one thing, without proper coverage, millions of Americans would face severe financial consequences if they became incapacitated due to a disability or illness.
In fact, research suggests that even small amounts of such coverage can significantly reduce the amount of money those individuals need to pay out-of-pocket for long-term care services. Additionally, long-term care insurance can provide peace of mind in knowing that you’re protected financially should something happen and you become unable to care for yourself.
No matter what your needs or reasons for purchasing LTC insurance, it’s important to contact a knowledgeable advisor who can help you determine the best coverage for you and your family.
Cost of Long Term Care Insurance
The cost of long term care insurance can be a deterrent to people from enrolling in coverage. However, there are many myths about the cost of long term care insurance and whether it is a waste of money. Claims data shows that the average long-term care policy has a very low claim rate and a policy may not be necessary if you have adequate savings. Furthermore, Medicaid may provide coverage for certain types of long-term care services.
Pros and Cons of Long Care Insurance
Improved long term care insurance rates were one of the main reasons cited by survey respondents as when they decided to purchase a policy. Policies have increased an average of 34% since 2007, according to the Long Term Care Insurers Association (LTCIA). The LTCIA conducts surveys annually on the preferences and needs of long-term care purchasers.
But while rates are rising, there are still some significant drawbacks associated with long-term care insurance. First and foremost, premiums can be expensive. Coverage can max out at around $200,000 per person, which is more than six times the median salary in the U.S. Additionally, most policies only cover a fraction of costs related to long-term care like assisted living or home health care. And even if you do have coverage, it may not provide enough financial assistance to cover all your costs.
Furthermore, long-term care insurance does little to help you pay for actual services once you need them. Because many policies exclude expenses like personal caregiver costs and advanced medical procedures, you may end up spending far more than you would have if you had just saved up for those costs upfront. In fact, according to a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine in 2016, 68% of people who used long-term care services ended up spending over $10,000 more than they anticipated.

Many people believe that long term care insurance is a waste of money, but this is simply not the case. In fact, long term care insurance can be very beneficial if you are worried about how you will be able to support yourself if you become unable to do so on your own.
By having this type of coverage, you can rest assured that you and your loved ones will be taken care of financially should something happen to you. Do your research and find the right policy for you before making any decisions – then you will have peace of mind as to whether or not LTC insurance is the right decision for you.